20 October 2015

Halloween Nail Art

Halloween is right around the corner!
While we are busy figuring our costumes, we think of another tough decision- Nail Art!
Here I will show how to make 5 easy nail art designs for Halloween.


First and foremost, prime your nails with a basecoat to anchor your polish and make it last as long as possible.
Paint all your nails like so:

Creepy Eye Ball:

1. On your thumb, paint a large circle with a blue polish.

2. While waiting for it to dry, use a nail art brush and red polish to paint some blood vessels.

3. In the blue circle dot a black circle and a white on on top of it!


1. On your index finger, dot two circles for the eyes.

2. Make an up-side-down heart for the nose.

3. For the mouth, draw vertical lines and a horizontal one.



1. Paint two triangles for the eyes and a big smile

2. With a dotting tool, make some dots on the mouth



1. Make a few lines on the nail like shown below.
2. Fill the rest of the space with lines, except for the triangle; paint it black

3. In the triangle, make a white dot and a black one inside it.



1. Make two eyes for the ghost.

2. Paint and oval blew them for the mouth.

Finally, seal all of your beautiful manicures with a layer of fast drying topcoat!
All Done!

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